vidyut vitaran tantr example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vidyut vitaran tantr usage in english sentences. The examples of vidyut vitaran tantr are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., grid.

In debit voucher, the debit accounts are displayed in Debit Accounts Grid and therefore the complementing account is the account to be credited.

Similarly, in Credit oucher, the Credit Accounts Grid displays only the accounts, which are being credited in recording a transaction.
This column has been included in the table structure to store serial numbers 1,2,3 to correspond to the serial number of debit/credit entries being referred to in the grid of an accounting oucher: Debit or Credit.
Data records appearing in a grid can be stored in database by using SubForm Control.
Spacing of controls allows to change (increase or decrease) the relative position of selected controls by one grid point horizontally or vertically.
The title of Entries Grid and Text box to the left of a list control are used to select an account to be debited or credited (the complementing account) against the accounts being mentioned in the Entries Grid are also calculated text controls.
The grid appears in the voucher by using SubForm control.
Pick and paste SubForm control for creating a grid to accommodate the Debit/Credit Entries.
This calculated control is capable of showing the title of the grid as Debit Entries or Credit Entries, depending on choice of Option button at run time.
The oucher number column in grid can be hidden by merging its right most vertical line with vertical line separating narration and voucher number column by drag and drop method.
संबंधित शब्द विद्युत् वितरण तंत्र के पर्यायवाची